I. Zweck

The libraries comprising the Athens Regional Library System are committed to providing free and open access to informational, educational, recreational and cultural resources for library users of all ages and backgrounds.

II. Usage Guidelines

  • Patrons using library computers must read and accept the Library’s Internet Access Policy and agree to abide by the guidelines governing the use of the computers.
  • Public computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • A library card is not required to access computers. Log in procedures may vary by library and department; users must follow procedures as set by each library.
  • Due to limited availability of computers and high demand for their use, the Libraries reserve the right to limit computer sessions. Time limits may vary by library location or department. Patrons may use only one computer at a time.
  • Library staff have the discretion to extend a computer session if others are not waiting
  • Library computers offer a variety of software applications plus access to the Internet. Scanners, CD burners and card readers may be offered. Availability of software will vary by library location and department.
  • While personal documents may be saved temporarily to library computers, patrons are encouraged to save to personal floppy disks, CDs or USB devices. The library is not responsible for the loss of data left on library computers.
  • Library-provided headphones may be available in some libraries or departments. In other locations, computer users may use personal headphones on library computers; these may be available for purchase from the library.
  • Printing is available at most locations. Price and availability may vary by library and department.
  • Patrons accessing the library’s wireless network are expected to comply with the library’s Wireless Use Agreement.
  • Personal belongings should not be left unattended.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in computer areas.

III. Haftungsausschluss

  • Users access the library computer hardware, software and documentation at their own risk. Athens Regional Library System is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the user’s disks, data, etc., or electronic transactions of any type which are related to the public use of library computer resources. This includes damage or injury sustained from invasions of the user’s privacy. 2 January 2010
  • Library patrons have the right to privacy to the extent possible in a public setting. Discretion is requested since images may be easily viewed by others, but users should be aware that the location of the computer workstations might enable an online session to be viewed easily by others.

IV. Children’s Computer Usage

  • It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to monitor and supervise their children’s access to the Internet and its resources.
  • Das Bundesgesetz zum Schutz des Internets von Kindern (CIPA) schreibt vor, dass auf allen Computern im Athener Regionalbibliothekssystem Filter angebracht werden müssen. Das Kuratorium der örtlichen Bibliotheken in jedem Landkreis ist dafür verantwortlich, den Grad der Filterung auf den Internetcomputern der Bibliothek festzulegen. Dabei orientieren sie sich an den Gemeinschaftsstandards. In einigen Fällen kann die Filterstufe auf den Computern der Kinder restriktiver sein als auf den Computern, die nur von Erwachsenen genutzt werden.

V. Internet Filtering

  • Federal law under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires filters to be placed on all computers throughout the Athens Regional Library System. See Internet Filtering in the Library in the “Internet Acceptable Use” policy for additional policies governing Internet use in the library.
  • Patrons over age 17 may request the removal of the filtering software.

VI. Unacceptable Uses of Library Computer Workstations

  • Any use of library equipment for illegal purposes is prohibited
  • Unacceptable uses of library computers includes, but is not limited to the following:
    • damaging or attempting to damage computer equipment, wiring, cables or software;
    • hacking into the library computer system or any other computer system; theft of any computer equipment or peripherals;
    • tampering with library wiring, cables or equipment; interfering with systems operations, integrity or security;
    • gaining unauthorized access to another person’s files;
    • sending harassing messages to other computer users;
    • altering or attempting to alter the library computer’s settings;
    • violating copyright laws and software licensing agreements;
    • Interfering with or disrupting other computer users, services, or equipment.
  • Patrons violating these rules are subject to penalties as outlined in the Patrons Responsibility and Conduct policy.

Updated January 2010

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