Nuevo lector de microfilmes brinda mayor acceso a la historia local

Person helping with the microfilm readerResidents and researchers of Oglethorpe County’s history now have greater access to local history materials with the library’s new microfilm & microfiche reader which will enable them to browse, scan, print, and save the material in several digital formats.

The microfilm reader, an ST Imaging ViewScan 4, was purchased after a major fundraising effort from the Friends of the Oglethorpe County Library. Members of the Friends of the Library, as well as local businesses and other community members, raised over $8,500 for the purpose of updating the library’s microfilm reader.

In addition to the new equipment, the Friends of the Library also donated funds to complete the library’s collection of The Oglethorpe Echo on microfilm. Issues of The Echo from as far back as 1874 and as current as 2012 are able to be scanned, printed, and emailed from the new reader. The library also holds a small collection of GA Census and historical Oglethorpe marriage records on microfilm.

The microfilm reader is free to use, as are scans saved to a USB drive or sent via email. Copies made from the scanner may be purchased for $0.15 per page.

El Amigos de la biblioteca del condado de Oglethorpe is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Library’s commitment to excellence in library service. Over the years, through contributions large and small, the Friends have made possible the creation of new collections, expansion of many of your favorite library programs and activities, the modernization of furnishings and technology throughout the Library, and now the addition of the new microfilm/microfiche reader.


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