Supporting the Athens-Clarke County Foundation through planned giving

Help ensure a strong future for the Athens-Clarke County Library by including the Endowment Fund in your estate plans.


During your lifetime or through a will, you may create a memorial for someone special. You can also let your next of kin know that upon your death, it is your desire to have family and friends make charitable donations in your memory to the library’s endowment.

Living Trust

Living trusts are fully revocable and can be changed at any time. You are the beneficiary for life and you can specify a loved one as the surviving beneficiary. The remaining principal can go to the Athens-Clarke County Library Endowment Fund, Inc.

Transfer of Properties or Securities

During your lifetime or through trust, you may make an outright transfer of property or securities, including money, insurance, real estate or securities. Please let us know in advance if you are considering a donation of property or a donation of assets other than cash as part of your estate. All such gifts are subject to acceptance by the Endowment Trustees.

While tax dollars keep our doors open and basic services running, the Athens-Clarke County Library Foundation raises money to add new resources in multiple formats for users of all ages.


Your will can specify that the Athens-Clarke County Library Endowment Fund, Inc. should receive a sum of money, securities, or other properties, or a stated percentage of your estate after taxes, debts, and administrative costs have been paid. Gifts can be outright bequests with no restrictions or outright bequests to establish an endowment fund with income to be restricted to a use that you designate.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Also known as planned or deferred gift, you and/or a loved one will receive the income for life and the remainder will be directed to the Athens-Clarke County Library Endowment Fund, Inc. These deferred gifts may be set up either as an annuity fund or as a unitrust.

For more information, please contact Rhiannon Eades at 706-613-3650.


¿Le gustaría ser parte de hacer que su biblioteca sea aún mejor? Hay muchas maneras en que puede ayudar, desde ofrecer su tiempo como voluntario hasta unirse a los Amigos de la Biblioteca y hacer una contribución financiera.