
It is declared to be the policy of the state, as a part of the provisions for public education, to promote the establishment of public library service throughout the state.


As used in this article, the term ‘board of regents’ means the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.


  1. The board of regents shall give aid, advice, and counsel to all libraries and to communities which may propose to establish libraries as to the best means of establishing and administering them, the selection of books, cataloging, and other details of library management and shall exercise supervision over all public libraries and endeavor to improve libraries already established. The board of regents may also conduct a book-lending and information service for the benefit of the citizens of the state, free of cost except postage. The board of regents is also authorized to purchase books, periodicals, and other instructional materials for such purposes. The board of regents may also employ necessary professional and clerical staff to carry on the work as stated in this Code section and may pay their necessary traveling expenses while engaged in such work.
  2. The board of regents shall have authority to accept gifts of books, money, or other property from any public or private source, including the federal government and shall have authority to perform any and all functions necessary to carry out the intention and purposes of this article.
  3. The State Library Commission is abolished, and the functions and services exercised and performed by it shall be exercised and performed by the board of regents.
  4. The collection of books, periodicals, documents, and other library materials held by the board of regents is designated as the State Library.
  5. Each department and institution within the executive branch of state government shall make a report to the director of the University of Georgia Libraries on or before December 1 of each year containing a list by title of all public documents published or issued by such department or institution during the preceding state fiscal year. The report shall also contain a statement noting the frequency of publication of each such public document. The director of the University of Georgia Libraries may disseminate copies of the lists, or such parts thereof, in such form as the director of University of Georgia Libraries, in his or her discretion, deems shall best serve the public interest. For purposes of this article, ‘public documents’ shall mean the books, magazines, journals, pamphlets, reports, bulletins, and other publications of any agency, department, board, bureau, commission, or other institution of the executive branch of state government but specifically shall not include the reports of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, the journals of the House and the Senate, or the session laws enacted by the General Assembly and shall not include forms published by any agency, department, board, bureau, commission, or other institution of the executive branch of state government.
  6. Each department and institution within the executive branch of state government shall submit to the director of the University of Georgia Libraries at least five copies of each of the public documents which such departments and institutions publish, within one month of its date of publication, unless the director of the University of Georgia Libraries requests additional copies of any such public documents, up to a maximum of 60 copies, in which case the number of copies requested shall be submitted.
  7. The Governor and all of the officers who are or may be required to make reports to the General Assembly shall furnish the director of the University of Georgia Libraries with at least five copies of each of such reports and additional copies upon request of the director of the University of Georgia Libraries.
  8. The Department of Administrative Services, the Georgia Correctional Industries Administration, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and any other agency of state government which prints public documents shall furnish to the director of the University of Georgia Libraries on a monthly basis a record of all public documents which have been printed or scheduled for printing by that agency during the preceding month.
  9. The director of the University of Georgia Libraries shall have the authority to supply copies of public documents to any state institution, public library, or public school in this state or to any other institution of learning which maintains a library, if such copies are available. Such copies may be furnished for a reasonable cost or free of charge or for the cost of postage or shipping, as the director of the University of Georgia Libraries deems appropriate.
  10. The director of the University of Georgia Libraries shall have the authority to act as the exchange agent of this state for the purpose of a regular exchange between this state and other states of public documents. The several state departments and institutions are required to deposit with the director of the University of Georgia Libraries for that purpose up to 50 copies of each of their public documents, as may be specified by the director of the University of Georgia Libraries.
  11. The director of the University of Georgia Libraries may transfer books and other library holdings to the Division of Archives and History, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, the State Law Library, or other public libraries. Books and other library holdings which are obsolete, defective, worn out, or surplus, or otherwise in the discretion of the director of the University of Georgia Libraries are not required, may be sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of by the director of the University of Georgia Libraries, without the need to comply with the provisions of Article 5 of Chapter 13 of Title 45 relating to the disposition of surplus state books.
  12. The director of the University of Georgia Libraries shall have the authority to employ the necessary personnel, including documents librarians and other professional personnel, to carry out the powers and duties set forth in this Code section.
  13. Any person or agency required by the provisions of this Code section to submit to the director of the University of Georgia Libraries copies of documents shall also submit such documents in such electronic form as the director shall specify, if such electronic form is readily available.


In order to effectuate the purposes of this article there shall be made available to the board of regents whatever funds may be duly allocated to it by the proper authority, either by specific appropriation or otherwise as now provided by law, and the board of regents shall be authorized to disburse such funds to public libraries serving persons of all ages through legally constituted municipal library boards or to the other legally constituted local library boards as may now or hereafter be established by law. The board of regents shall use such funds for the purpose of aiding and supplementing the establishment and development of public library services.


All public libraries in the state shall submit reports annually to the board of regents.


  1. The governing authority of any county or municipality may establish a public library system. Any public library established pursuant to this part shall be a tax-exempt institution.
  2. A public library may be established in the following manner:
    1. By resolution or act, at the discretion of the governing authority, of any county or municipality, or any combination thereof;
    2. By approval of the voters of any county or municipality in a referendum election on the question of the establishment of a public library as provided in this paragraph. Upon a written petition containing 35 percent of the registered and qualified voters of a municipality or county being filed with the appropriate governing authority, the governing authority shall be required to hold and conduct a special referendum election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the municipality or county the question of whether or not a public library, as provided for in this part, shall be authorized. In the event a majority of the persons voting in the election vote in favor of the public library, then the governing authority of the municipality or county shall establish a public library as provided in this part. Otherwise, the governing authority shall have no authority to do so. Following the expiration of two years after any election is held which results in disapproval of a public library, as provided in this part, another election on this question shall be held if another petition, as provided in this paragraph, is filed with the appropriate governing authority; or
    3. By contractual agreement between the governing authorities of any county or municipality.


Each library system shall be governed by a board of trustees. Each system shall have a governing board of trustees but may have other affiliated boards of trustees for member libraries. The county board of library trustees shall exercise authority in a county system. The regional board of library trustees shall exercise authority in a multicounty system.

  1. A county board of trustees shall consist of at least one appointee from each governmental agency financially supporting the library on a regular basis. Appointments shall be made in writing pursuant to the constitution and bylaws of the library system, shall be transmitted to the appointee and to the library, and shall state the length of term and expiration date of the appointment.
  2. A regional board of library trustees shall consist of trustees serving on member county boards who are appointed to the regional board by each county board for a term specified in writing pursuant to the constitution and bylaws of the library system.
  3. Board members shall serve staggered terms for continuity of service.
  4. Board members shall be removed for cause or for failure to attend three consecutive meetings pursuant to the library system´s constitution and bylaws or the local constitution and bylaws.
  5. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as appointments are made. If a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of a trustee´s term, the new appointee shall complete the unexpired term
  6. Members of the governing authority of any county, municipality, or governmental agency financially supporting the library shall be eligible for appointment and service as members or as ex officio members of the board of trustees of any library or library system. No such governing authority shall appoint a majority of its members to the board of trustees of any library or library system nor shall a majority of the board of trustees of any library or library system consist of members of the governing authority of any single county, municipality, or governmental agency.
  7. Public library system boards of trustees may provide for ex officio board membership in the system constitution and bylaws.


The board of trustees shall have duties and responsibilities which include but are not limited to the following:

  1. To employ a library director who meets state certification requirements and such other employees as necessary upon the recommendation of the library system director; provided, however, that the board shall be authorized to delegate employment of staff members to the library system director;
  2. To approve budgets prepared by the library system director and assume responsibility for the presentation of the library´s fiscal needs to the supporting agencies;
  3. To attend board meetings;
  4. To establish policies governing library programs, including rules and regulations governing the use of the library;
  5. To set policy for the administration of gifts of money and property;
  6. To present financial and progress reports to governing officials and to the public;
  7. To notify the appropriate authorities of a vacancy on the board so that a person may be appointed to complete unexpired or full terms; and
  8. To notify the library system director, in advance, of all meetings of library boards and board committee.


Members of the board of trustees shall receive no compensation; provided, however, that such members may be reimbursed for any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of library business or if stipulated in terms of any bequest or gift. Dues or fees for membership in local, state, regional, and national library associations may be paid from operating funds in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the library system.


Every public library system shall have a director. Any person appointed as director of a public library system must hold at least a Grade 5(b) Librarian´s Professional Graduate Certificate, as defined by the State Board for the Certification of Librarians; provided, however, that any person who was serving as acting director of a public library system as of July 1, 1984, shall be authorized to continue to serve as director. The director shall be appointed by the board of trustees and shall be the administrative head of the library system under the direction and review of the board. The director of a library system shall have duties and responsibilities which include but are not limited to the following:

  1. To recommend for employment or termination other staff members, as necessary, in compliance with applicable laws and the availability of funds and to employ or terminate other staff members if so authorized by the library board;
  2. To attend all meetings called by the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia or send a substitute authorized by the office director;
  3. To prepare any local, state, or federal annual budgets;
  4. To notify the board of trustees and the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia of any failure to comply with:
    1. Policies of the board
    2. Criteria for state aid;
    3. State and federal rules and regulations; and
    4. All applicable local, state, or federal laws;
  5. To administer the total library program, including all affiliated libraries, in accordance with policies adopted by the system board of trustees; and
  6. To attend all meetings of the system board of trustees and affiliated boards of trustees or to designate a person to attend in his or her place


The library system shall make such reports as deemed necessary by local and state funding agencies. In every case at least an annual report of activities, income, and expenditures shall be filed with each funding agency.


  1. The board of trustees of each county and regional library shall have a written constitution and bylaws stating policy which shall be approved by the board. Such constitution and bylaws shall be drafted in accordance with the current edition of the Handbook on Constitutions, By-laws and Contracts for Georgia Public Libraries.
  2. Policies stated in the constitution of the county board may not be in conflict with the policies of the constitution of the regional board and state and federal laws and regulations. The constitution of the regional board shall not be in conflict with state and federal laws and regulations.
  3. All current constitutions and bylaws must be on file in the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and all amendments must be filed with the office immediately upon adoption.


  1. A clear title in fee simple to an approved site on which a library facility is to be located shall be held by either the library board of trustees or the county or municipality. Title to property used for library purposes shall be vested in the library board of trustees or in that local agency which makes the major financial contribution toward construction costs. Notwithstanding any provision in this part to the contrary, any facility, the title to which currently is held by a nonprofit organization and which is now being operated by a public library board of trustees, may continue to be operated by that library board of trustees if the operation of that facility by the board of trustees meets the standards of the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia; and the title to that facility may remain in the hands of that nonprofit organization. When the composition of a library system is changed or when the library system is dissolved and the title is vested in the library board of trustees, the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia shall serve as mediator in determining ownership of property.
  2. Other property including, but not limited to, equipment and materials that were purchased with state, federal, or contract funds coming through the system budget shall be owned by the system board of trustees and shall be placed or transferred where it is most useful. Upon dissolution or significant structural change within the system, such property shall be divided on a pro rata basis according to the proportion of financial costs of property borne by the involved parties. The library system board of trustees shall furnish the financial and statistical information considered by the parties attempting to reach agreement. If the parties are unable to reach a mutually agreeable solution, the final decision of property ownership shall be made by the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia or its designee.


Library systems are authorized to make and enter into such contracts or agreements as are deemed necessary and desirable. All such contracts or agreements entered into shall:

  1. Detail the specific nature of the services, programs, facilities, arrangements, or properties to which such contracts or agreements are applicable;
  2. Provide for the allocation of costs and other financial responsibilities;
  3. Specify the respective rights, duties, obligations, and liabilities of the parties; and
  4. Set forth the terms and conditions for duration, renewal, termination, abrogation, disposal of joint or common property, if any, and all other matters which may be appropriated to the proper effectuation and performance of the agreement.

No public or private library agency shall enter into any agreement itself, or jointly with any other library agency, to exercise any power or engage in any action prohibited by the Constitution or laws of this state.


Each library board which handles finances must keep a current bond for an adequate amount determined by the board of trustees and recorded in the minutes on the library director, the treasurer of the board of trustees, or other officials and employees authorized to handle funds. Proof of the bond for each board must be filed with the Renewal Application for State Aid.


  1. A library system shall be dissolved by a reversal of procedures followed in its original organization. A majority of the board members in a majority of the counties must agree to the dissolution of the system. One county in a multicounty system may withdraw by a reversal of the procedure by which the county became a member.
  2. If the local constitution and bylaws or participating agreement does not specify a notification period for withdrawal, the proper notice shall be sent six months prior to the end of the state fiscal year. This notice must include reasons for the withdrawal and the method by which the decision was reached and must be sent to the chairman of the system board of trustees and the system library director. The Office of Public Library Services of the Department of Technical and Adult Education must be notified of the receipt of this letter of intent within five working days.
  3. Upon dissolution or withdrawal, no further state or federal grant funds shall be paid for or to the dissolving or withdrawing unit or units until such time as the unit or units reestablish the library or libraries pursuant to this part and meet eligibility requirements for such grant funds.
  4. A multicounty regional system may elect to expel a member county upon the following conditions
    1. Failure of the county to maintain the agreed level of support to the regional system as in the most recent system-participating agreement; or
    2. Failure of the county to meet criteria which may jeopardize the system´s eligibility for state or federal funds.
  5. If the system´s constitution and bylaws or participating agreement fails to describe a notice period for expulsion, the proper notice shall be sent not less than six months prior to the end of the state fiscal year. This notice must be sent to the chairperson of the county board of trustees, all funding agencies party to the participating agreement, the system library director, and the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
  6. Upon total dissolution of a library system, all property shall be disposed of as provided in this part.


Any person who shall steal or unlawfully take or willfully or maliciously write upon, cut, tear, deface, disfigure, soil, obliterate, break, or destroy or who shall sell or buy or receive, knowing it to have been stolen, any book, pamphlet, document, newspaper, periodical, map, chart, picture, portrait, engraving, statue, coin, medal, equipment, specimen, recording, video product, microform, computer software, film, or other work of literature or object of art or the equipment necessary to its display or use belonging to or in the care of a public library shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


Any person who borrows from any public library any book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, recording, video product, microform, computer software, film, or other article or equipment necessary to its display or use belonging to or in the care of such public library under any agreement to return it and thereafter fails to return such book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, recording, video product, microform, computer software, film, or other article or equipment necessary to its display or use shall be given written notice, mailed to his last known address or delivered in person, to return such article or equipment within 15 days after the date of such notification. Such notice shall contain a copy of this Code section. If such person shall thereafter willfully and knowingly fail to return such article or equipment within 15 days, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days and shall be required to return such article or equipment or provide reimbursement for the replacement cost of such article or equipment.


Any person who, without authority and with the intention of depriving the public library of the ownership of such property, willfully conceals a book or other public library property, while still on the premises of such public library, or willfully or without authority removes any book or other property from any public library shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that, if the replacement cost of the public library property is less than $25.00, the punishment shall be a fine of not more than $250.00. Proof of the willful concealment of any book or other public library property while still on the premises of such public library shall be prima-facie evidence of intent to violate this Code section.


An agent or employee of a public library or of any department or office of the state or local government causing the arrest of any person pursuant to the provisions of this part shall not be held civilly liable for unlawful detention, slander, malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, false arrest, or assault and battery of the person so arrested unless excessive or unreasonable force is used, whether such arrest takes place on the premises by such agent or employee; provided, however, that, in causing the arrest of such person, the public library or agent or employee of the public library had at the time of such arrest probable cause to believe that the person committed willful theft or concealment of books or other library property.


All persons holding professional positions with the title of librarian must be certified by the State Board for the Certification of Librarians.


Any failure to comply with the provisions of this part shall result in the forfeiture of all state and federal library aid to the system.


A library system existing prior to July 1, 1984, shall have until July 1, 1989, to comply fully with the provisions of this part, and any provision to the contrary within Chapter 24 of Title 43, relating to libraries, shall be superseded by the provisions of this part.


This part shall not apply to any municipal public library.


As used in the Interstate Library Compact, ‘state library agency,’ with reference to this state, means the Office of Public Library Services of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.


The Interstate Library Compact is enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:


Because the desire for the services provided by libraries transcends governmental boundaries and can most effectively be satisfied by giving such services to communities and people regardless of jurisdictional lines, it is the policy of the states party to this compact to cooperate and share their responsibilities; to authorize cooperation and sharing with respect to those types of library facilities and services which can be more economically or efficiently developed and maintained on a cooperative basis, and to authorize cooperation and sharing among localities, states and others in providing joint or cooperative library services in areas where the distribution of population or of existing and potential library resources make the provision of library service on an interstate basis the most effective way of providing adequate and efficient service.


As used in this compact:

  1. “Public library agency” means any unit or agency of local or state government operating or having power to operate a library.
  2. “Private library agency” means any nongovernmental entity which operates or assumes a legal obligation to operate a library.
  3. “Library agreement” means a contract establishing an interstate library district pursuant to this compact or providing for the joint or cooperative furnishing of library services.


  1. Any one or more public library agencies in a party state in cooperation with any public library agency or agencies in one or more other party states may establish and maintain an interstate library district. Subject to the provisions of this compact and any other laws of the party states which pursuant hereto remain applicable, such district may establish, maintain and operate some or all of the library facilities and services for the area concerned in accordance with the terms of a library agreement therefor. Any private library agency or agencies within an interstate library district may cooperate therewith, assume duties, responsibilities and obligations thereto, and receive benefits therefrom as provided in any library agreement to which such agency or agencies become party.
  2. Within an interstate library district, and as provided by a library agreement, the performance of library functions may be undertaken on a joint or cooperative basis or may be undertaken by means of one or more arrangements between or among public or private library agencies for the extension of library privileges to the use of facilities or services operated or rendered by one or more of the individual library agencies.
  3. If a library agreement provides for joint establishment, maintenance or operation of library facilities or services by an interstate library district, such district shall have power to do any one or more of the following in accordance with such library agreement:
    1. Undertake, administer and participate in programs or arrangements for securing, lending or servicing of books and other publications, and other materials suitable to be kept or made available by libraries, library equipment or for the dissemination of information about libraries, the value and significance of particular items therein, and the use thereof.
    2. Accept for any of its purposes under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, (conditional or otherwise), from any state or the United States or any subdivision or agency thereof, or interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation, and receive, utilize and dispose of the same.
    3. Operate mobile library units or equipment for the purpose of rendering bookmobile service within the district.
    4. Employ professional, technical, clerical and other personnel, and fix terms of employment, compensation and other appropriate benefits; and where desirable, provide for the in-service training of such personnel.
    5. Sue and be sued in any court of competent jurisdiction.
    6. Acquire, hold, and dispose of any real or personal property or any interest or interests therein as may be appropriate to the rendering of library service.
    7. Construct, maintain and operate a library, including any appropriate branches thereof.
    8. Do such other things as may be incidental to or appropriate for the carrying out of any of the foregoing powers.


  1. An interstate library district which establishes, maintains or operates any facilities or services in its own right shall have a governing board which shall direct the affairs of the district and act for it in all matters relating to its business. Each participating public library agency in the district shall be represented on the governing board which shall be organized and conduct its business in accordance with provisions therefor in the library agreement. But in no event shall a governing board meet less often than twice a year.
  2. Any private library agency or agencies party to a library agreement establishing an interstate library district may be represented on or advise with the governing board of the district in such manner as the library agreement may provide.


Any two or more state library agencies of two or more of the party states may undertake and conduct joint or cooperative library programs, render joint or cooperative library services, and enter into and perform arrangements for the cooperative or joint acquisition, use, housing and disposition of items or collections of materials which, by reason of expense, rarity, specialized nature, or infrequency of demand therefor would be appropriate for central collection and shared use. Any such programs, services or arrangements may include provision for the exercise on a cooperative or joint basis of any power exercisable by an interstate library district and an agreement embodying any such program, service or arrangement shall contain provisions covering the subjects detailed in Article VI of this compact for interstate library agreements.


  1. In order to provide for any joint or cooperative undertaking pursuant to this compact, public and private library agencies may enter into library agreements. Any agreement executed pursuant to the provisions of this compact shall, as among the parties to the agreement:
    1. Detail the specific nature of the services, programs, facilities, arrangements or properties to which it is applicable.
    2. Provide for the allocation of costs and other financial responsibilities.
    3. Specify the respective rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the parties.
    4. Set forth the terms and conditions for duration, renewal, termination, abrogation, disposal of joint or common property, if any, and all other matters which may be appropriate to the proper effectuation and performance of the agreement.
  2. No public or private library agency shall undertake to exercise itself, or jointly with any other library agency, by means of a library agreement any power prohibited to such agency by the constitution or statutes of its state.
  3. No library agreement shall become effective until filed with the compact administrator of each state involved and approved in accordance with Article VII of this compact.


  1. Every library agreement made pursuant to this compact shall, prior to and as a condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the attorney general of each state in which a public library agency party thereto is situated, who shall determine whether the agreement is in proper form and compatible with the laws of his state. The attorneys general shall approve any agreement submitted to them unless they shall find that it does not meet the conditions set forth herein and shall detail in writing addressed to the governing bodies of the public library agencies concerned the specific respects in which the proposed agreement fails to meet the requirements of law. Failure to disapprove an agreement submitted hereunder within ninety days of its submission shall constitute approval thereof.
  2. In the event that a library agreement made pursuant to this compact shall deal in whole or in part with the provision of services or facilities with regard to which an officer or agency of the state government has constitutional or statutory powers of control, the agreement shall, as a condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the state officer or agency having such power of control and shall be approved or disapproved by him or it as to all matters within his or its jurisdiction in the same manner and subject to the same requirements governing the action of the attorneys general pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Article. This requirement of submission and approval shall be in addition to and not in substitution for the requirement of submission to and approval by the attorneys general.


Nothing in this compact or in any library agreement shall be construed to supersede, alter or otherwise impair any obligation imposed on any library by otherwise applicable law, nor to authorize the transfer or disposition of any property held in trust by a library agency in a manner contrary to the terms of such trust.


  1. Any public library agency party to a library agreement may appropriate funds to the interstate library district established thereby in the same manner and to the same extent as to a library wholly maintained by it and, subject to the laws of the state in which such public library agency is situated, may pledge its credit in support of an interstate library district established by the agreement.
  2. Subject to the provisions of the library agreement pursuant to which it functions and the laws of the states in which such district is situated, an interstate library district may claim and receive any state and federal aid which may be available to library agencies.


Each state shall designate a compact administrator with whom copies of all library agreements to which his state or any public library agency thereof is party shall be filed. The administrator shall have such other powers as may be conferred upon him by the laws of his state and may consult and cooperate with the compact administrators of other party states and take such steps as may effectuate the purposes of this compact. If the laws of a party state so provide, such state may designate one or more deputy compact administrators in addition to its compact administrator.


  1. This compact shall enter into force and effect immediately upon its enactment into law by any two states. Thereafter, it shall enter into force and effect as to any other state upon the enactment thereof by such state.
  2. This compact shall continue in force with respect to a party state and remain binding upon such state until six months after such state has given notice to each other party state of the repeal thereof. Such withdrawal shall not be construed to relieve any party to a library agreement entered into pursuant to this compact from any obligation of that agreement prior to the end of its duration as provided therein.


This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.’


In the event of withdrawal from the compact, the board of regents shall send and receive any notices required by Article XI(b) of the compact.


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