1. Adult programs are designed to provide information, education, and recreation to library users and to the general public. Using resources such asprint and film material, community resources, displays, and presentations, library-initiated adult programs are conducted at the discretion of the Library Director. Additional programs may be developed in cooperation with other agencies, organizations, and educational institutions as well as other community resources. Ideas for cosponsored programs may be proposed by other agencies; however, the design, scheduling, and presentation of all adult programs remains the sole prerogative of the library itself, in regard for staff time, auditorium/conference room availability, and general public interest in the proposed topic. Library programs provide for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all the people of the community services by the library.
  2. Library adult programs promote materials, facilities and services of the Athens Regional Library System.
  3. Library sponsored programs and library resources should not be proscribed or removed (or cancelled) because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  4. All adult programs are free and open to the public, but in some special instances, a nominal fee may be requested from participants for program supplies and craft materials.
  5. A person’s right to attend a library-initiated program should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, race, background, or views.
  6. Selection of library program topics, speakers, courses, classes, and resource materials will be made by library staff on the basis of the interests and needs of library users and the community. Library programming will not exclude topics, books, speakers, media, or other resources solely because they may be “controversial.” All adult programs will be non-commercial in content.
  7. As approved by the Library’s Board of Trustees, this Adult Programs Policy Statement reflects the library’s philosophy regarding free access to information and ideas. Similarly, any patron complaints, concerns, or inquiries will be subject to the same policy regarding print materials.

Participants attending adult program functions shall be required to maintain the same standards of dress and conduct as are required for the library in general.




あなたの図書館をより良くするための一員になりませんか?時間のボランティアから、Friends of the Library への参加、金銭的な寄付まで、さまざまな方法で支援できます。