1. New Books will be available only to patrons of the Athens Regional Library System for the first six months they are in the collection. After six months, books may be requested by any patron of the PINES system statewide.
  2. Requests for holds materials, other than new books, will be filled in the following order:
    1. Patrons with library cards from the Athens Regional Library System will have first priority.
    2. Reserves will be filled in order of date received after the location priority.
    3. After all of the Athens Regional Library System requests are filled, requests from PINES libraries will be honored in dated order.
    4. Books which have holds on them will not be renewed.
    5. The vision of the PINES statewide library card has as a key component the ability for patrons to see and borrow library materials from all participating public libraries in the state. Our goal is maximum access for all patrons, while realistically addressing the logistics of moving materials around the state. Member libraries have agreed that PINES membership would not relieve libraries of the responsibility for purchasing the materials needed to meet the demands of local patron.



あなたの図書館をより良くするための一員になりませんか?時間のボランティアから、Friends of the Library への参加、金銭的な寄付まで、さまざまな方法で支援できます。