The Athens Regional Library System will follow PINES guidelines for the Institution Patron Profile. This profile is designed to give access to library materials for residents or clients of residential correctional facilities, nursing homes, life-care and rehabilitation facilities, adult day-care centers and special education facilities located within the 5 counties comprising the Athens Regional Library’s service area. Applicants from other institutions serving a long-term daily population will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Applications for a card using the Institution Patron Profile must be signed by the Director of the agency. Anyone checking out materials on an Institutional Card must be in the possession of the card and know the associated PIN. The Director must agree that the organization is responsible for any lost or damaged materials, which will be charged to the account according to regular library procedures.

Privilege limit is 1 year. The user will be blocked if a total of $10 or more is owed. User is not billed overdue charges, but is billed for Lost, Damaged, and Long Overdue items. User may have up to 50 holds at one time. Circulation period is 42 days with no renewals. The Institution will retain possession of the library card. The branch issuing the Institution card will keep the application on file. Institutions must reapply for this card annually. All other library policies apply to the Institutional card.


あなたの図書館をより良くするための一員になりませんか?時間のボランティアから、Friends of the Library への参加、金銭的な寄付まで、さまざまな方法で支援できます。