All request for records (including without limitation salary information, internal memoranda, reports, etc.) should be directed to the director of the Athens Regional Library System, or the assistant director if the director is not available. Response will be in accordance to applicable law. (See Appendix for Open Records and Meetings Laws)

Public institutions require the maximum degree of openness for effective and responsible operation. To that end, the library board will require that both the letter and spirit of the Georgia Open Records and Meetings Laws be observed. In particular, the library director will insure that the notification requirements of the Open Meetings law are complied with and that requests for official records held by the library be expedited. Interpretation of both laws will be on the side of openness and disclosure, rather than withholding and closure.



あなたの図書館をより良くするための一員になりませんか?時間のボランティアから、Friends of the Library への参加、金銭的な寄付まで、さまざまな方法で支援できます。