The use of fax equipment to supplement existing information services of the Athens Regional Library System provides the opportunity for vastly improved communication services between headquarters and the branches. This in turn results in improved service to individuals served by the library system.

Appropriate use of equipment includes document delivery to branches; inter-branch communication involving library services, and other library-related uses that are approved by the library director. The library may make transmission available for city / county government / school purposes if such requests are made. These requests will be handled under the direction of the library director. Public fax service may be offered at some locations. (See Fines / Fees Schedule for charges.)

The immediate need of the patron is the primary factor to consider in determining whether fax transmission is appropriate. Materials not needed by the patron sooner than it can be supplied by mail or delivery is not generally appropriate for fax transmission. All requests for fax transmission must be made through a library staff member.

Documents to be delivered include journal articles; pages from reference materials; sections from books not owned by a location; picture reproductions; newspaper clippings. Each patron is normally not to exceed twenty pages. When requesting journal articles, it is the responsibility of the patron to provide accurate citation information whenever possible. Branch staff should make requests for information as specific as possible when communicating with headquarters reference staff.

Requests for juvenile material will be handled in the same manner as requests for adult material.

Requests for fax transmission should be handled as quickly as possible, enabling the patron to receive materials while still at the branch location. The reference librarian on duty shall locate materials and transmit the information. If work flow at the reference desk does not permit the handling of requests in an expedient manner, the librarian will ask another staff member to make the transmission.

This service will be available to patrons at a per page charge to their library cards(see Fines / Fees Schedule). Fax fees to locations outside the region which have no reciprocal agreements with the library will be billed at a per page charge listed on the Fines / Fees Schedule. Funds generated by the fax equipment will be turned in to headquarters for purchase of supplies, repair and replacement.


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