- The Athens Regional Library System will maintain a centralized purchasing system where all system purchases will be coordinated by the administrative assistant.
- The administrative assistant will maintain purchasing rules and regulations for internal use and will maintain and distribute to all eligible vendors purchasing rules and regulations written specifically for these vendors.
- All purchases of $5,000 or more must be advertised, have sealed bids taken and be opened in public at a place, time, and date publicly announced unless on State contract. Purchases with an estimated total cost less than $5,000 should be purchased in accordance with the adopted purchasing rules and regulations. Under no circumstances should purchases be split to avoid bid limits.
- If all other relevant factors are met, the administrative assistant is authorized to negotiate with a local bidder to reduce its bid to that of the lowest bid received from an out-of-county bidder if the local bid is within 3% of the lowest bid. Negotiation is limited to purchases up to $25,000.
- The director is delegated the responsibility to award all formal “invitations to bid” totaling less than $50,000. In these instances, subsequent notification to the library board is required. Only the board shall award all formal “invitations to bid” that total $50,000 or more.