Title: ARLS Regional Policy: Collections / Materials Donations
Approved by ARLS Board of Trustees, Date: 4/16/1998
Revision prepared by: Valerie Bell and Holly Bowden, Date: 10/5/2018
Submitted to: ARLS Board of Trustees Policy Committee, Date: 11/2018
Approved by: ARLS Board of Trustees, Date: 4/18/2019

Collection / Materials Donations

Gifts and Bequests

Materials that meet the library’s criteria for adding to the collection, or money donated toward the purchase of materials for the collection, may be donated to the library as memorials or to honor a loved one. Recommendations for titles or subject matter are welcome. Cards of acknowledgement will be sent to the donor and the honoree to the family of the person for whom the memorial was given. The book will be marked with memorial identification. Honor a loved one through Gifts and Bequests.

Donation of Materials

The Athens Regional Library System accepts gifts for the collections with the understanding that the library may do with them as it sees fit. All materials given to the library become library property. Gifts of materials may be added to the library collection subject to the same principles and standards of selection that are applied to all materials added to the library’s collection. The library cannot guarantee that any gift will be part of the collection or part of the collection permanently.

The library will try to comply with the wishes of the donor of a gift, but reserves the right, as conditions change, to assign any of its materials wherever the need is greatest. Because of limitations of space, budget, and staff, the Library reserves the right to accept or discard, at its discretion, any unsolicited material sent to the library or its branches. Items not needed for the collection may be sold in the Library Store or in local Friends of the Library book sales.

All gifts of materials must be in good physical condition. The library will not accept materials which are not outright gifts.

The appraisal of a gift to the library for income tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor since it is the donor who requires an appraisal, not the library. The library will give a receipt for any gift. See: Donation of Library Materials Form / Receipt, Donation Tribute Form, and/or Donation of Art.

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