A library user who requests the reconsideration of materials included in the library’s collection must put the request in writing by completing and signing the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form. This form is available at all public service desks or online.

Hướng dẫn Xử lý Vật liệu Thách thức

  1. A library user who challenges a library resource is given the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form. A signature is required.
  2. The library user is notified in writing of the procedures for handling the challenge and of the relevant meeting times.
    • The completed form is forwarded to the Collection Development Specialist and/or the branch manager, who in turn notifies the chairperson of the local library board.
    • The chairperson of the local library board appoints a review committee, which consists of a chairperson, members of the local library board and regional library staff.
    • The librarian at the regional library headquarters with delegated responsibility for selecting the challenged material prepares a written statement, citing reviews and other relevant information. This information is provided to the review committee as soon as possible, but within two weeks.
    • Copies of the material are given to the members of the review committee.
    • The review committee makes a recommendation to the local library board. The meeting complies with open meeting regulations.
    • The library user is notified in writing of the decision made by the local library board.
    • If the library user chooses to appeal the decision of the local library board, that appeal is placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Athens Regional Library System Board of Trustees. The library user is notified of the meeting date.
    • The decision of the Athens Regional Library System Board of Trustees is final.


hỗ trợ chúng tôi

Bạn có muốn trở thành một phần trong việc làm cho thư viện của bạn trở nên tốt hơn không? Có nhiều cách bạn có thể giúp đỡ, từ tình nguyện dành thời gian của bạn để tham gia Những người bạn của Thư viện để đóng góp tài chính.